Wallpaper stones stone wall bricks natural Erismann 6703
Urban nativeness - It's just a matter of time before the nature lifestyle will overcome the spirit of cities. The wallpaper has a rustical touch which is highlighted by a natural colour variation. The stone-style has a decorative and timeless impact. Because of the wallpapers non-woven material the product is easy to process, highly washable, dry strippable and has a good lightfastness.
Style: stone-style
Colour: see selection
Material: non-woven
Role dimension: about 10,05 x 0,53 m / 11 yd x 21"
Design match: straight match, 32 cm / 12.6"
Characteristics: good lightfastness, highly washable, dry strippable
Distinctions: new and original packaging, German brand product, certified by RAL
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