- Glatte Wand
- Meistervlies
- Romantica 3
- Only Borders
- Chateau 5
- Björn
- Best of Wood'n'Stone
- Little Stars
- Four Seasons Wallpaper
- Boho Love
- Black and White 4
- Scandinavian 2
- Linen Style
- Emotion Graphic
- Decoro 2
- Ethnic Origin
- Dekora Natur
- Elegance
- Memory
- Spot
- Greenery
- Blooming
- Exotic Life
- Sumatra
- Romantico
- Asian Fusion
- Pop Style
- GEO Nordic
- New Elegance
- AP Digital 3
- History of Art
- AP Digital 4
- Industrial
- Attractive
- ARTist
- Cuba
- Little Love
- Walls by Patel
- Designwalls
- Metropolitan Stories - The Wall
- My Home. My Spa.
- Dream Flowery
- Geo Effect
- Battle of Style
- Nara
- Attractive 2
- Antigua
- Maison Charme
- Terra
- Profitex
- Natural Living
- Colourful World
- Retro Chic
- Wood Panels
- Famous Garden
- Jade
- Casual Living
- Pure Elegance
- Pintwalls 2
- Aquarell Dreams
- French Affair
- Lilly + Luis