Wallpaper Hanging Tool Set Decorating Kit 15 piece
With this high-quality wallpaper hanging tool set, you will succeed with your paperhanging project. The paperhanging tool set contains all of the required accessories to easily remove wallpaper remains on the wall, measure, cut and process the wallpapers.
This 15-piece Wallpaper Hanging Set contains:
1x paint roller
1x wallpaper smoother brush
1x seam roller
1x wallpaper scissor
1x wallpaper edge decorator
1x metal snap blade cutter
1x replacement blades for snap blade cutter, 10 pieces
1x bucket for water, paint and paste, 12 litres
1x masking tape, 50m x 48mm
1x masking tape, 50m x 29mm
1x dust sheet, 30my thickness
1x paste brush
1x wallpaper stripper
1x replacement blades for wallpaper stripper, 10 pieces
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